Performance Deteriorates of Glazed Hollow Bead Insulation Normal Concrete after Freeze-thaw Cycles with Different Salt Concentrations
投稿时间:2024-10-07  修订日期:2024-11-27
中文关键词: 玻化微珠保温混凝土  盐冻循环  超声波无损检测  性能劣化  拟合  微观分析
英文关键词: glazed hollow bead insulation normal concrete  salt freeze-thaw cycle  ultrasonic nondestructive testing  performance deterioration  fitting  micro-structure analysis
姚韦靖* 安徽理工大学 232001
韩金秀 安徽理工大学 232001
蔡海兵 安徽理工大学 
彭泉森 安徽理工大学 
摘要点击次数: 359
全文下载次数: 0
      In order to accelerate the green transformation of traditional industries, glazed hollow bead insulation normal concrete (GHB/NC) was prepared, and the performance degradation after 0 to 60 freeze-thaw cycles in different concentrations of NaCl solution was studied. The apparent phenomenon, spalling amount and compressive strength of concrete were tested. The relative wave velocity and damage degree of materials were tested by ultrasonic nondestructive testing method. The microstructure changes of materials were tested by scanning electron microscopy.The results show that with the increase of salt concentration, the properties of GHB/NC decrease sharply and gradually tend to be stable. The salt concentration range with the most significant performance degradation is 3 % to 6 %. With the increase of freeze-thaw cycles, the peeling and pitting corrosion of GHB / NC surface increased, and the strength gradually weakened. There was a good correlation between ultrasonic parameters and compressive strength loss rate, and the fitting results were good. After 60 freeze-thaw cycles, the internal damage of the material gradually deteriorated, and the micro-cracks gradually expanded and interconnected to form channels, resulting in a decrease in the overall mechanical properties. In 0 %, 3 %, 6 %, 9 %, and 12 % NaCl solutions, the compressive strength loss rates of GHB/NC were 20.69 %, 51.67 %, 51.94 %, 42.22 %, and 46.11 %, respectively.
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