Research on High-efficiency Gas Extraction Technology of Directional Long Drilling Holes in the Roof Plate of Deep Mining ‘Using Holes Instead of Lanes
投稿时间:2024-06-03  修订日期:2024-06-13
中文关键词: 深部开采  定向长钻孔  以孔代巷  高效抽采
英文关键词: deep coal seam  directional long drilling of roof  replacing alleys with holes  high-efficiency extraction
余陶 安徽建筑大学土木工程学院 230601
许陆* 安徽建筑大学土木工程学院 230601
卢平 安徽建筑大学土木工程学院 
胡敏 淮南矿业朱集煤矿 
摘要点击次数: 296
全文下载次数: 0
      The gas pressure and content in deep coal seams increase sharply, and a large amount of gas gushes out from adjacent layers during mining, which can easily lead to gas exceeding limit accidents. The traditional high pressure gas extraction technology has a good effect on pressure relief gas extraction, but the construction period is long, the cost is high, and it is difficult to alleviate the situation of tight continuity in outburst mines. In order to achieve efficient gas extraction by unloading pressure in adjacent layers, this paper studies the key parameters of the directional long drilling "hole replacing roadway" gas extraction technology on the roof. Based on numerical simulation analysis, the gas extraction effect of directional long boreholes on the roof was analyzed under different heights, horizontal distances, and spacing. The optimal layout parameters were determined, including a vertical distance of 35m from the bottom plate, a horizontal distance of 25m-110m from the return air roadway, and a drilling distance of 8m. Field experiments were conducted at the 1131 (3) working face of Zhujidong Mine in Huainan, and the absolute gas emission during the mining period reached 53.91m3/min. The maximum pure gas extraction amount of directional long boreholes on the roof was 43.54m3/min, with an average of 27.22m3/min. The maximum gas extraction concentration was 91%, with an average of 70.6% and an average extraction rate of 92%. The gas extraction effect was significant, achieving the goal of replacing tunnels with holes.
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