杨亚龙,杨畅,张睿.不同热环境下佩戴医用外科口罩对人体舒适性的影响研究[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2024,32(2):33-39,48 |
不同热环境下佩戴医用外科口罩对人体舒适性的影响研究 |
Study on Effects of Medical Surgical Masks on Human Comfort in Different Thermal Environments |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 热环境 热舒适 HRV 医用外科口罩 生理信号 |
英文关键词: thermal environment thermal comfort HRV medical surgical masks physiological signals |
基金项目:安徽省重点研究与开发计划项目(202104A07020017) |
摘要点击次数: 1384 |
全文下载次数: 0 |
中文摘要: |
为研究医用外科口罩在不同温度下对人体热舒适和呼吸舒适的影响,设计了包括三种温度以及三种不同活动水平的实验工况。总计15名受试者构成了佩戴医用外科口罩的实验组和不佩戴医用外科口罩的对照组,并完成热舒适投票(TCV)、热感觉投票(TSV)和呼吸舒适投票(BCV),采集其心电图(ECG)以分析心率变异性(HRV)。结果表明,短时间佩戴医用外科口罩对人体整体热感觉没有影响;在热舒适环境下,医用外科口罩对热舒适的影响显著,而热不适环境下,温度对热舒适的影响较大;医用外科口罩影响呼吸舒适,站立时佩戴医用外科口罩增加了呼吸不适的温度范围;HRV频域分析指标LF/HF通常可作为评价热感觉的指标,但佩戴医用外科口罩后HRV与热感觉无相关性。 |
英文摘要: |
To investigate the effects of medical-surgical masks(MSMs)on human thermal and breathing comfort at different tempera‐tures, experimental conditions including three temperatures and three different activity levels were designed. Fifteen subjects constitut‐ed an experimental group wearing MSMs and a control group not wearing MSMs. The data of thermal comfort vote (TCV), thermal sensa‐tion vote (TSV), breathing comfort vote (BCV) and the electrocardiograms (ECGs) for heart rate variability (HRV) of subjects were col‐lected. The results showed that wearing a MSM shortly has no effect on the overall thermal sensation. In the thermal comfort environ‐ment, the MSM has a significant effect on thermal comfort, while in the thermal discomfort environment, temperature has a greater ef‐fect on thermal comfort. The MSMs could affect breathing comfort, and wearing a MSM while standing could increase the temperaturerange for breathing discomfort. The low frequency and high frequency (LF/HF) in the frequency domain indexes of HRV can be used asan indicator for evaluating thermal sensation, but there is no correlation between HRV and thermal sensation when wearing a MSM. |
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