Research on renewal of commercial and cultural historical blocks based on urban darning concept
投稿时间:2024-01-16  修订日期:2024-05-09
中文关键词: 公主府历史文化街区  城市更新  城市织补理论  商业文化型历史街区  织补策略
英文关键词: princess residence historical and cultural district  urban renewal  urban tissue mending theory  commercial and cultural historic district  tissue mending strategies
张华 内蒙古师范大学设计学院 010000
郭沁* 内蒙古师范大学设计学院 016000
摘要点击次数: 557
全文下载次数: 0
      At the time of accelerating urbanization transformation in China, the commercial and cultural historical blocks promote the development of regional economy, but also cause a certain degree of negative impact on the historical style and cultural connotation of the city, which is not conducive to the continuation of the urban context. The urban darning theory advocates respect for the status quo and adopts a progressive renewal strategy, aiming to protect the authenticity of historical culture, maintain the integrity of spatial pattern and increase the sustainability of commercial and economic development. Based on the analysis of the conceptual connotation of the darning theory, this paper takes the typical commercial and cultural historical block of Hohhot, Gongzhulfu historical and cultural block, as an analysis case, studies the historical and cultural characteristics of Hohhot and the inherent architectural characteristics of the site, combines the current environmental problems faced by the block, and constructs the relationship between the commercial and cultural historical block and the darning theory. In order to balance urban development and historical protection, this paper proposes the renewal strategies and design methods of spatial darning and city view darning, which can provide reference for the renewal of other urban commercial and cultural historic districts.
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