黄院玲.生育成本对女性生育意愿的影响研究 --基于安徽省样本数据[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2022,30(): |
生育成本对女性生育意愿的影响研究 --基于安徽省样本数据 |
A study on the impact of fertility costs on women's willingness to have children --Based on sample data from Anhui Province |
投稿时间:2022-09-19 修订日期:2022-10-16 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 生育成本 生育意愿 成本共担 |
英文关键词: Fertility costs Fertility intention Cost-sharing |
基金项目:2021年国家社会科学基金一般项目“基于生命周期的夫妻生育意愿差异及其生育决策研究”(21BRK044);合肥市推进普惠性托育服务研究(HFSKYY202229) |
摘要点击次数: 2817 |
全文下载次数: 813 |
中文摘要: |
基于莱宾斯坦的“成本-效益”理论,从直接经济成本、机会成本、心理成本、社会成本四个维度构建了生育成本与女性生育意愿分析框架。利用全国生育状况抽样调查数据,通过多元线性回归研究发现:1)从直接经济成本来看,自付分娩费用、产期待遇降幅和月均托育支出等直接经济成本对女性生育意愿都存在显著的负向影响;2)从机会成本来看,产后打算就业时间对女性生育意愿的影响为正,而产假并不能直接提升女性生育意愿;3)从心理成本来看,期望托育支出与女性生育意愿显著负相关,公立托育机构未对女性生育意愿产生积极作用;4)从社会成本来看,新型农村合作医疗对女性生育意愿存在显著正向影响,政府承担分娩费用对女性生育意愿的影响不显著。研究认为提高女性生育意愿需完善生育成本共担机制,科学构建母职保护机制,立足育儿家庭托育需求,降低育儿家庭成本,推动三孩政策顺利实施。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on Leibenstein's "cost-benefit" theory, the analysis framework of fertility costs and women's willingness to have children was constructed from four dimensions: direct economic costs, opportunity costs, psychological costs and social costs. Using data from the National Sample Survey on Fertility Status, a multiple linear regression study found that: 1) in terms of direct economic costs, direct economic costs such as out-of-pocket childbirth costs, reduction in maternity treatment and average monthly childcare expenses all have a significant negative impact on women's fertility intentions; 2) in terms of opportunity costs, the impact of time spent intending to work after childbirth on women's fertility intentions is positive, while maternity leave does not directly increase women's fertility intentions; 3) in terms of psychological costs, women's fertility intentions are not directly increased. (3) In terms of psychological costs, expected childcare expenses are significantly negatively related to women's fertility intentions, and public childcare institutions do not have a positive effect on women's fertility intentions; (4) In terms of social costs, new rural cooperative medical care has a significant positive effect on women's fertility intentions, while the government's contribution to childbirth costs has no significant effect on women's fertility intentions. The study concludes that to improve women's willingness to give birth, it is necessary to improve the mechanism for sharing the costs of childbirth, to scientifically construct a maternity protection mechanism, and to build on the demand for childcare for child-rearing families, so as to reduce the costs of childbirth for child-rearing families and promote the smooth implementation of the three-child policy. |
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