Research on Speeding Behavior Recognition Based on K-means Clustering and Neural Network
中文关键词: k-means算法  高斯混合聚类算法  神经网络  超速行为
英文关键词: k-means algorithm  Gaussian mixture clustering algorithm  neural network  overspeed behavior
李开放 合肥学院 先进制造工程学院安徽 合肥 230601 
刘忠涛 合肥工业大学 汽车与交通工程学院安徽 合肥 230009 
柏兴涛 中国重汽集团山东 济南 250000 
张冰战 合肥工业大学 汽车与交通工程学院安徽 合肥 230009 
摘要点击次数: 6067
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      The occurrence of traffic accidents poses a threat to the safety of peoples’s lives and property, and speeding is a major factor in traffic accidents. Therefore, how to accurately identify speeding behavior is crucial. This paper proposes a speeding behavior recognition method based on working condition recognition. First, the principal component analysis method is used to reduce the dimensionality of the data, and the k-means algorithm and the Gaussian mixture clustering algorithm are used to perform secondary clustering of the dimensionality reduction results, BP neural network is trained according to the clustering results, and the trained model is used to recognize the operating conditions in real time, and then the speed thresholds of different working conditions are obtained for speeding behavior recognition. The research results show that the recognition accuracy of driving conditions reaches 95% on average, the application of this method to the recognition of speeding behaviour can make the recognition more accurate and scientific.
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