Research on the Coupling Coordination of Urbanization From the Perspective of Quality-efficiency
中文关键词: 城镇化质量  城镇化效率  耦合协调模型  DEA-BCC模型  长三角城市群
英文关键词: urbanization quality  urbanization efficiency  coupling coordination model  DEA-BCC model  Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration
储金龙 安徽建筑大学 建筑与规划学院安徽 合肥 230601 
章君吉 安徽建筑大学 建筑与规划学院安徽 合肥 230601 
摘要点击次数: 6050
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      The urban agglomeration is the most active unit in China's economic development, and its high coupling coordination of quality and efficiency contributes to China's socio-eco development and the high-quality urbanization. Taking 27 cities in the central area of Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration as examples, this paper uses AHP, EWM and DEA-BCC model to select indicators from urbanization quality and urbanization efficiency respectively, and explore their coupling coordination with the coupling coordination model. The results show that: (i) the urbanization quality of Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration shows a rising trend, but there are some regional differences, namely the pattern of high in the east and low in the west; the comprehensive efficiency of urbanization is stable, and cities with effective comprehensive efficiency is increasing from east to west; (ii) from 2010 to 2014, the coupling degree and coordination degree of urbanization quality and efficiency are basically the same, both showing an upward trend; from 2014 to 2018, the coupling degree shows a weak downward trend, and the coordination degree maintains an upward trend. At the end of the study period, the coupling degree and coordination degree of urbanization quality and urbanization efficiency are spatially high in the east and low in the west. This paper aims to provide data and theoretical support for high-quality urbanization.
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