徐自强.安徽高校社会保险现状的研究[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2022,30(5):92-98 |
安徽高校社会保险现状的研究 |
Research on the Current Situation of Colleges Social Insurance in Anhui |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 高校 社会保险 保险管理 |
英文关键词: universities social insurance insurance management |
基金项目:安徽省高校省级人文社会科学研究项目(SK2021JD13) |
摘要点击次数: 5801 |
全文下载次数: 4533 |
中文摘要: |
通过对合肥市 5 所省属高校中的 5 类人员问卷调查和对高校社保经办人员的访谈,发现高校社会保险出现了对养老保险改革反应不一、医疗保险个人缴费基数口径不规范、生育保险待遇不一致、工伤保险参保不完全、失业保险缺失等问题,其主要原因包括高校教职工思维固化、社保工作人员政策了解不充分、高校社保宣传不深入等。最后建议,社保管理部门应加快制度设计和完善,高校应加强重视与政策宣传,切实解决职工实际问题,高校教职工也需要更多关注自身权益。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the questionnaire for five types of employees and the interview with social insurance agents in five universities inHefei,several problems are found,including diversified responses to the old-age insurance reform as well as differences in individualinsurance bases,maternity insurance,work-related injury insurance,and unemployment insurance. The reasons include the rigidthinking among faculty and staff,the inadequate understanding of policy of staff,and the inadequate publicity. It is suggested that thesocial security management department should improve the system;universities should pay more attention and carry out policy publicityto effectively solve the practical problems for employees,and the staff should pay more attention to their rights and interests. |
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