章蓓蓓,何南方.基于熵权 TOPSIS 法的安徽省建筑业高质量发展评价[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2022,30(5):45-50
基于熵权 TOPSIS 法的安徽省建筑业高质量发展评价
High Quality Development Evaluation of Construction Industry in Anhui Province Based on the Entropy Weight on TOPSIS method
中文关键词: 高质量发展  建筑业  熵权 TOPSIS 法  评价
英文关键词: high-quality development  construction industry  entropy weight TOPSIS method  evaluation
章蓓蓓 安徽建筑大学  经济与管理学院安徽  合肥  230022安徽省房地产与住房公积金研究院安徽  合肥  230022 
何南方 安徽建筑大学  经济与管理学院安徽  合肥  230022 
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      新时代背景下,促进建筑业高质量发展对推进我国国民经济和社会事业健康发展意义重大。基于建筑业高质量发展内涵,结合安徽省建筑业自身发展特点,从行业规模、质量结构、效益水平、绿色发展、创新驱动等 5 个子系统出发,建立安徽省建筑业高质量发展评价指标体系。运用熵权 TOPSIS 法构建安徽省建筑业高质量发展评价模型,对 2010~2019 年高质量发展水平进行测度。研究表明,质量结构、行业规模以及创新驱动 3 个系统的权重较大,分别为 0.271 3、0.243 7、0.177 8,是影响安徽省建筑业高质量发展的主要因素。从总体发展水平看,安徽省建筑业高质量综合发展水平并不稳定,呈“N”型波动,近年来呈稳步上升的趋势。从各子系统发展水平看,除建筑业规模呈持续增长态势、绿色发展水平呈缓慢下降趋势外,质量结构、效益水平及创新发展水平都呈现出上下波动的态势,仍存在一定的制约和短板。
      The high-quality development of the construction industry is of great significance for Chinese economy and socialundertakings in the new era. The connotation of high-quality development of the construction industry is discussed and thecharacteristics of the construction industry in Anhui province are considered to establish an evaluation index system for the high-qualitydevelopment of the construction industry in Anhui Province from five subsystems:industry scale,quality structure,efficiency level,green development and innovation drive. The entropy weight on TOPSIS method is used to construct the evaluation model of the highquality development of the construction industry in Anhui Province and the level of the high-quality development from 2010 to 2019is tested. The research shows that the weights of three subsystems,namely quality structure,industry scale and innovation driveare 0.2713,0.2437 and 0.1778 respectively,which are the main factors affecting the high-quality development of the constructionindustry in Anhui Province. Overall,the high-quality comprehensive development level of the construction industry in Anhui Provinceis unstable,showing “N” type fluctuations,and has shown a steady upward trend in recent years. For each subsystem,in additionto the continuous growth of the industry scale and the slow decline in the level of green development,the quality structure,efficiency level and innovation development level all show up and down,and there are still certain restraints and shortcomings.
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