顾康康,刘飞,汤晶晶,李雨薇,李雨薇.基于压力 - 状态 - 响应模型的引江济淮工程安徽段沿线区域生态安全评价[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2022,30(5):1-9 |
基于压力 - 状态 - 响应模型的引江济淮工程安徽段沿线区域生态安全评价 |
Regional Ecological Security Assessment of Anhui Section of Yangtze River to HuaiheRiver Diversion Project Based on the Pressure-State-Response Model |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 压力 - 状态 - 响应模型 引江济淮工程安徽段沿线区域 层次分析法 - 熵权法 生态安全评价 |
英文关键词: Pressure-State-Response model the area along the Yangtze River to Huaihe River Water Diversion Project in Anhui
province hierarchical analysis-entropy weighting method ecological security evaluation |
基金项目:安徽省自然科学基金面上项目(2008085ME160);安徽省高校省级自然科学研究项目—研究生项目(YJS20210500) |
摘要点击次数: 5630 |
全文下载次数: 4667 |
中文摘要: |
生态安全评价是评估生态环境是否健康安全的一种研究方法。以引江济淮工程安徽段沿线区域为例,基于压力 - 状态 - 响应模型构建生态安全评价指标体系,运用层次分析法和熵权法分别对选取的 20 个评价指标因子赋权得到权重值,进行权重值的组合,然后计算生态安全等级,进而评价引江济淮工程安徽段沿线区域的生态安全。结果表明:①引江济淮工程安徽段沿线部分地区仍处于不安全 - 较不安全等级,生态安全指数的分布存在一定空间差异,人类活动是研究区部分地区生态压力指数偏高的主要影响因素。② PM2.5 年排放总量、土地胁迫指数、生境质量指数、水网密度指数、植被覆盖度、年总降雨量、地形坡度、造林面积是影响引江济淮工程安徽段沿线区域生态安全的主要因素。③人口密度大、发展速度快的城市生态安全指数较高,而发展缓慢的城市生态安全指数反而较低,这与城市推行生态保护政策的力度有很大的关联性。 |
英文摘要: |
Ecological safety evaluation is a method to assess whether the ecological environment is healthy. Taking the area along theYangtze River to Huaihe River Water Diversion Project in Anhui province as an example,the ecological safety evaluation index systemwas constructed based on the Pressure-State-Response model. The weights were assigned to twenty evaluation index factors usinghierarchical analysis and entropy weighting method,and the ecological safety of the area was assessed. The results show that:① someareas of the study are still in insecure-less secure level,while there are spatial differences in the distribution of ecological securityindexes,and the human activities is the main factor for the high ecological stress;② the main factors affecting ecological security inthe study area include the annual PM2.5 emission,land stress index,habitat quality index,water network density index,vegetationcoverage rate,annual rainfall,slope,and afforestation area;③ the ecological security index is higher in cities with high populationdensity and fast development rate but lower in cities with slow development,which is strongly correlated with the implementation oflocal ecological protection policies. |
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