Effects of Tetracycline and Copper Ion on Extracellular Polymeric Substances During Biological Phosphorus Remova
中文关键词: 四环素  铜离子  胞外聚合物  生物除磷
英文关键词: tetracycline  copper ion  extracellular polymeric substances  biological phosphorus removal
基金项目:安徽省高校省级自然科学研究项目(KJ2019ZD52,KJ2020A0466);安徽省自然科学基金面上项目(1908085ME142, 1808085MB34);安徽建筑大学引进人才及博士启动基金项目(2019QDZ64,2019QDZ60);国家重点研发计划专项项目 (2019YFC0408504)
李梦云 安徽建筑大学  环境与能源工程学院安徽  合肥  230601环境污染控制与废弃物资源化利用安徽省重点实验室安徽  合肥  230601 
张华 安徽建筑大学  环境与能源工程学院安徽  合肥  230601环境污染控制与废弃物资源化利用安徽省重点实验室安徽  合肥  230601 
刘亚丽 安徽建筑大学  环境与能源工程学院安徽  合肥  230601环境污染控制与废弃物资源化利用安徽省重点实验室安徽  合肥  230601 
张慧 安徽建筑大学  环境与能源工程学院安徽  合肥  230601环境污染控制与废弃物资源化利用安徽省重点实验室安徽  合肥  230601 
庄雪晴 安徽建筑大学  环境与能源工程学院安徽  合肥  230601环境污染控制与废弃物资源化利用安徽省重点实验室安徽  合肥  230601 
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      Extracellular polymers of microorganisms are natural protective membranes that protect cells against external toxic andharmful substances,but can be affected by various contaminants. Tetracycline and copper ions were selected as contaminants to studytheir effects on protein and polysaccharides in microbial extracellular polymers during biological phosphorus removal. The resultsshowed that the maximum contents of protein and polysaccharide were 78.39 mg/gVSS and 15.48 mg/gVSS,respectively,at 36 h withtetracycline,and 75.93 mg/gVSS and 14. 12 mg/gVSS,respectively,at 48 h with copper ions. Three concentration ratios(0.297,0.894and 2.676) were formulated using a mixture of tetracycline and copper ions,and at 36 h,the maximum protein content was 75.60mg/gVSS,68.81 mg/gVSS and 70.02 mg/gVSS,respectively,while the maximum polysaccharide content was 12.77 mg/gVSS,12.10 mg/gVSS and 13.49 mg/gVSS,respectively. The extracellular polymer increases and then decreases as the time of action increases,mainly because the microorganisms secrete more polymers to resist contaminants at the beginning,while microbial deactivation later ledto a decrease in microbial extracellular polymers. The three-dimensional fluorescence intensity of proteins in the microbial extracellularpolymer gradually decreased as the concentration of the mixture increasing. This study has implications for studying impacts of pollutantson biological phosphorus removal microorganisms.
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