Study on the Dynamic Changes of Green Space Landscape Pattern in Binhu New Area of Hefei City
中文关键词: 城市绿地  景观格局  动态变化  滨湖新区
英文关键词: urban green space  landscape pattern  dynamic change  Binhu New Area
赵文静 安徽农业大学  林学与园林学院安徽  合肥  230036 
滕尊 安徽农业大学  林学与园林学院安徽  合肥  230036 
张萍萍 安徽农业大学  林学与园林学院安徽  合肥  230036 
方新宇 安徽农业大学  林学与园林学院安徽  合肥  230036 
李若男 安徽农业大学  林学与园林学院安徽  合肥  230036 
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      基于多期(2005、2012、2020)Landsat 遥感影像,运用 ENVI 、Arc GIS、Fragstats 软件选择景观格局指数定量研究滨湖新区绿地景观格局,探究其动态变化过程。结果表明:(1)自 2005 年以来,城市绿地面积先增加后减少,截至 2020 年,研究区形成了以城市绿地和建设用地为主的景观格局,其面积占比分别为45.91% 和 45.17%;(2)2005-2020 年间,研究区农林用地转出量最大,占总转化面积 61.33%,是城市绿地和建设用地的主要来源,建设用地稳步扩张,主要由农林用地和城市绿地转化而来;(3)2005-2020 年间,研究区整体景观类型破碎化程度低,景观多样性减少,各类型景观处于团聚趋势,连通性增加。绿地斑块数下降、斑块形状趋向简单化、规则化,绿地斑块逐渐呈现均匀分布的空间特征。研究结果可为滨湖新区绿地空间结构和生态环境优化提供参考依据。
      Based on multi period (2005,2012,2020) Landsat remote sensing images,using ENVI,Arc GIS and Fragstatssoftware to select landscape pattern indexes to quantitatively study the landscape pattern of green space in Binhu New Area and exploreits dynamic change process. The results show that (1) since 2005,the urban green space area has first increased and then decreased.By 2020,the study area has formed a landscape pattern dominated by urban green space and construction land,accounting for 45.91%and 45.17% respectivelyl;(2) from 2005 to 2020,the transfer volume of agricultural and forestry land in the study area is thelargest,accounting for 61.33% of the total transformed area,which is the main source of urban green space and construction land. Theconstruction land increases steadily,mainly converted from agricultural and forestry land and urban green space;(3) from 2005to 2020,the study area has seen a low fragmentation of the overall landscape types and a reduced landscape diversity. The landscapestends to be clustered and connectivity increases. The number of green patches decreased,and the shape tends to be simpler,moreregular and homogeneous. The results can provide a reference for improving the green space structure and ecological environment inBinhu New Area.
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