Investigation of Indoor Temperature on Students’ Cognitive Ability and Cognitive Load in hot-summer and cold-winter region
投稿时间:2022-02-24  修订日期:2022-04-01
中文关键词: 热舒适  认知能力  温度设定值  认知负荷  节能减排
英文关键词: thermal comfort  cognitive performance  temperature setpoint  cognitive load  energy conservation and emission reduction
方潜生 安徽建筑大学 230022
汪成 安徽建筑大学 
杨亚龙 安徽建筑大学 
张睿* 安徽建筑大学 230022
摘要点击次数: 2628
全文下载次数: 843
      国务院办公厅要求公共建筑夏季室内空调温度不得低于26℃,但这一举措并不一定适合学生在教室的热舒适需求,甚至给学校带来不必要的能源消耗和财政支出。基于这个问题,本研究讨论更高的夏季课堂温度对学生热舒适、认知表现和认知负荷的影响。本研究选取大学生作为实验对象,在26℃和28℃两种温度条件下进行实验。采用热感觉投票、热满意度投票、其他环境质量满意度投票等主观评价问卷的结果作为室内环境质量的评价。此外,研究人员还通过长期记忆、反应时间、注意力测试和短期记忆等任务对受试者的认知表现进行了定量测量。认知负荷由NASA任务负荷指数(NASA - TLX)和心率变异性(HRV)评估。结果表明,在两种温度下,被试在简单任务中的认知表现和认知负荷均无显著差异。对于较复杂的任务,较低组(26℃)被试的认知表现较好,但在认知负荷方面无显著差异。因此,夏季教室空调温度的设定值应根据我国夏热冬冷地区学生的实际热环境需求进行不同的设置,在一定程度上响应了节能减排的号召。
      The General Office of the State Council in China calls for indoor air conditioning temperatures in public buildings to be no lower than 26℃ in summer, but this initiative is not necessarily suitable for students' thermal comfort demands in classrooms. It even incurs unnecessary energy use and financial expense for schools. Based on this problem, this study investigates the effects of classroom temperature on students' thermal comfort, cognitive performance and cognitive load in summer. In this study, college students are selected as subjects to conduct experiments under two temperature conditions (26℃ and 28℃). The results of subjective evaluation questionnaire, such as thermal sensation vote, thermal satisfaction vote and other environmental quality satisfaction vote, are used as the evaluation of indoor environmental quality. In addition, subjects' cognitive performance is quantitatively measured using tasks such as long-term memory, reaction time, attention tests, and short-term memory. Cognitive load is assessed by NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV). The results show that there is no significant difference in the cognitive performance and cognitive load of the subjects in the simple task under the two temperatures. For the more complex task, the cognitive performance of the subjects in the lower group (26℃) has a better performance, but there is no significant difference in the cognitive load. Therefore, the setting value of classroom air conditioning temperature in summer should be set differently according to the actual thermal environment demands of students in hot summer and cold winter areas of China, which responds to the call of energy conservation and emission reduction to a certain degree.
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