叶小群,席加威,侯伟.基于CiteSpace可视化分析我国城镇开发边界研究热点与趋势[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2022,30(1):34-39,97 |
基于CiteSpace可视化分析我国城镇开发边界研究热点与趋势 |
Visualization Analysis of Hotspots and Trends of Urban Development Boundary Research in China Based on CiteSpace |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 城镇开发边界 CiteSpace 可视化分析 国土空间规划 |
英文关键词: urban development boundary CiteSpace visualization analysis territorial spatial plan |
基金项目:安徽省教育厅人文社科重大项目(SK2019ZD52) |
摘要点击次数: 6764 |
全文下载次数: 5838 |
中文摘要: |
城镇开发边界划定与管控对国土空间规划体系构建起着重要作用。研究利用 CiteSpace 对 CNKI 数据 库 2004-2020 年间城镇开发边界研究的文献进行分析,绘制出研究关键词、作者、发文机构知识图谱。通过 量化分析研究热点及演化历程,进而勾勒出研究领域整体轮廓。从研究脉络看,研究热点呈现出明显的阶段 性特征,热点转换紧跟国家政策调整呈现多样化的研究主题,城镇开发边界表现出明显的政策属性。在此基 础上,对我国城镇开发边界研究的缘起、国外经验借鉴、研究对象、划定方法、管控等内容进行梳理,并对 我国城镇开发边界研究趋势进行探讨。 |
英文摘要: |
The delineation and control of urban development boundaries are of great importance to the territorial spatial plan system in China. With CiteSpace software,the authors analyze the literature on urban development boundary in CNKI between 2004 and 2020,draw the knowledge map of key words,authors and institutions,summarize hotspots and changes and the research field through quantitative analysis. The research hotspots,following the national policy,diversified in different periods,proving that the urban development boundary is policy-oriented mostly. This paper collates the origins of urban development boundary research in China, foreign experience,research objects,delineation and control methods,and discusses the trends of urban development boundary research in China. |
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