李 涵,黄志福,刘百来,王志宏,吴 清.圆管形波纹钢结构涵洞变形指标分析[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2022,30():
Deformation index analysis of culvert with circular tubular corrugated steel structure
投稿时间:2021-09-04  修订日期:2021-10-20
中文关键词: 涵洞  波纹钢结构  变形指标  质量检验评定
英文关键词: culvert  Corrugated steel construction  the deformation index  Inspection and Evaluation Quality Standards
李 涵* 中交第一公路勘察设计研究院有限公司 西安中交土木科技有限公司 710075
黄志福 安徽省交通控股集团有限公司 
刘百来 西安工业大学 建筑工程学院 
王志宏 衡水益通管业股份有限公司 
吴 清 中交第一公路勘察设计研究院有限公司 西安中交土木科技有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 2450
全文下载次数: 736
      In view of the flexible characteristics of corrugated steel, it is necessary to detect and adjust the deformation of corrugated steel section in real time during the culvert implementation. However, the technical requirements for the deformation index of corrugated steel section are different in various domestic and foreign standards. In order to obtain the research method of corrugated steel deformation control and set reasonable indexes, the ABAQUS finite element software is used to conduct numerical simulation analysis of stress deformation by controlling waveform and pipe diameter, soil thickness and other variables. The conclusions are as follows: with the same waveform and aperture, the wall thickness increases and the anti-deformation ability increases; With the same wave and wall thickness, the pipe diameter increases and the anti-deformation ability decreases. Different from the existing simulation data trend, when the horizontal and vertical deformation and the monotonic linear trend of the ellipticity change, the ellipticity increases, the vertical ellipticity increases, the maximum equivalent stress does not decrease but increases, at the same time, the range of equivalent safety factor decreases. When the installation error is controlled within (±1%D), the corrugated steel pipe body tends to be more circular under load after backfilling, which is conducive to uniform distribution of load and the formation of soil arch effect.
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