Study on the Temporal and Spatial Evolution and Influencing Factors of Habitat Quality in the Rapidly Urbanized Area of Central China
投稿时间:2021-08-30  修订日期:2021-10-18
中文关键词: InVEST模型  生境质量  快速城镇化地区  OLS模型  SEM模型
英文关键词: InVEST model  habitat quality  rapid urbanization area  OLS model  SEM model
汪勇政* 安徽建筑大学建筑与规划学院安徽省城镇化发展研究中心 18735427106@163.com 
梁哲 安徽建筑大学建筑与规划学院  
余浩然 安徽省城镇化发展研究中心  
摘要点击次数: 2551
全文下载次数: 844
      Explore the temporal and spatial changes of the habitat quality in the rapid urbanization areas of central China and the driving mechanism to construct the regional ecological security pattern, reveal the extent of the impact of human activities on the regional ecological environment, and provide a scientific reference for maintaining regional sustainable development. This paper takes a typical rapid urbanization area in central China as the research area. It comprehensively evaluates the temporal and spatial evolution and the reasons for the change of habitat quality during 2000-2020 based on the InVEST model and the spatial measurement model. The results show that: (1) The Hefei metropolitan area's habitat quality has apparent spatial differentiation. The land with better habitat quality is composed of woodland, grassland, and water; the expansion of urban and rural construction land is the most obvious in the more impoverished area, followed by cultivated land, 2010 -During 2020, there was a phenomenon that the degradation rate of habitat quality tended to ease, and finally showed a "slow-fast-slow" downward trend; (2) In terms of spatial layout characteristics, the area's habitat quality has a relatively significant gradient. The quality of habitat in mountainous areas is higher than that in hills and plains; (3) Selecting influencing factors from the perspective of landscape pattern index and urbanization, and it is found that the urbanization indicators in the past 20 years have adverse effects on the habitat quality of the Hefei metropolitan area at this stage. The landscape pattern index shows a positive correlation with the quality of habitat. The degree of change in the overall ecological environment of the Hefei metropolitan area is related to the rate of urbanization in its surroundings, and it has a specific spatial agglomeration. The degree of change in the immediate area is more drastic than in the mountainous area, showing a specific gradient effect. This research can provide scientific reference for regional environmental protection planning and similar regional research.
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