Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties and Application Analysis of Random Pitting Circular Steel Tubular Columns
投稿时间:2021-07-17  修订日期:2021-08-14
中文关键词: 随机点蚀  圆钢管柱  力学性能  点蚀损伤强度  敏感区
英文关键词: random pitting  ?circular steel tubular column  ?mechanical property  ?pitting damage strength  ?sensitive area
杨明飞* 安徽理工大学土木建筑学院 yangmf_aust@163.com 
董悦奇 安徽理工大学土木建筑学院  
程华瑞 安徽理工大学土木建筑学院  
沙志平 中国二十冶集团有限公司工程设计研究院  
陈宜网 安徽圣沃建设集团有限公司  
摘要点击次数: 2564
全文下载次数: 829
      In order to consider the influence of random pitting damage on the mechanical properties of circular steel tubular columns, an axial compression experiment was carried out on the components with random pitting damage. In the experiment, different inner diameters and pitting damage strengths were considered. The results show that the yield load and elastic modulus of the damaged components decrease linearly with the increase of the pitting damage strength within the selected damage range. Meanwhile, the smaller the inner diameter, the greater the effect of pitting damage on its yield load and elastic modulus. When the pitting damage intensity is 4%, the development of circumferential strain between pitting pits is obviously faster than that of longitudinal strain. Then, ANSYS finite element software was used to build the numerical models of the non-damaged and damaged components respectively. The numerical models were checked by using the experiment results, and the maximum errors were -4.17% and -11.78%, respectively, indicating that the numerical models established in this paper were reasonable. Finally, the numerical model was used to analyze the influence of different pitting corrosion damage areas on the mechanical properties of structural components. The study found that when the pitting corrosion damage area is located at the 2L/5~3L/5 column foot, the yield load of the component is decreased by 26.96%, and this area can?be?defined?as the random pitting sensitive area of the component.
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