Study on Noise Prediction and Control Scheme of Corridor Suspension Noise Barrier
投稿时间:2021-07-16  修订日期:2021-09-25
中文关键词: 廊道噪声  悬浮声屏障  低噪声托辊  下挑檐  Cadna/A  噪声控制方案
英文关键词: corridor noise  suspension noise barrier  low noise roller  lower eaves  Cadna/A  noise control scheme
魏玥 安徽理工大学 weiyue97@163.com 
阮学云* 安徽理工大学 ruanxueyun@163.com 
高艳 中国科学院声学研究所噪声与振动重点实验室  
李达 安徽理工大学  
王相 安徽理工大学  
摘要点击次数: 2647
全文下载次数: 815
      As the main channel for coal-fired transmission, the noise from the corridor has a large impact on nearby residents. Deploying noise barriers is the main treatment solution at present, but noise prediction software such as Cadna/A cannot accurately simulate and calculate the noise of the corridor with suspended noise barriers underneath the eaves, and thus cannot comprehensively evaluate the treatment effect of each common type of noise barrier in the corridor noise control scheme. In this paper, based on the geometric modeling of Cadna/A prediction software, the geometric position relationship is used to transform the lower eave bypass of a noise barrier into a calculable upper eave bypass, and the equivalent calculation is performed using Cadna/A, and the feasibility of the method is verified by theoretical calculation. By applying this method, noise prediction modeling of a power plant corridor noise, three noise control solutions of upper and lower eave noise barrier, low noise roller replacement, and low noise roller with upper and lower eave noise barrier are simulated and calculated, and the results show that all three solutions can achieve the sound environment quality standard 2 under different engineering volume, and further by economic analysis, the replacement of low noise roller has the best cost performance. The noise prediction modeling strategy adopted in this paper can realize the noise prediction of various types of suspended noise barriers, and the comparative analysis of each control scheme can also provide a scientific basis for the noise management of the same type of corridor, which has great application value.
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