唐卓,孙柏,程运明,张杰,王云.基于MoS2Bi2S3复合纳米材料的正己烷催化发光传感器[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2022,30(): |
基于MoS2Bi2S3复合纳米材料的正己烷催化发光传感器 |
Cataluminescence sensor for n-hexane based on MoS2/Bi2S3 composite nanomaterials |
投稿时间:2021-07-15 修订日期:2021-09-19 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 传感器,正己烷检测、催化发光、MoS2/Bi2S3复合材料 |
英文关键词: sensor n-hexane cataluminescence MoS2/Bi2S3 composites |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFC0408503)、安徽省科技重大专项(18030801106)、安徽省重点研究与开发计划项目(201904a07020070),安徽省高校自然科学基金项目(KJ2020A0468) |
摘要点击次数: 2590 |
全文下载次数: 830 |
中文摘要: |
采用水热法成功制备了MoS2/Bi2S3复合纳米材料,并将其用作催化发光(CTL)方法检测正己烷的敏感材料。研究结果表明MoS2修饰能有效增强Bi2S3催化发光特性,该敏感材料对正己烷具有较高的灵敏度、较好的选择性及较快的响应、恢复速度,响应时间为3秒,恢复时间为16秒。在12 ~ 480 ppm浓度范围内,催化发光信号强度与正己烷浓度呈良好的线性关系:y=909.18x+1533 (R2=0.9865),检出限为1.81 ppm。此外,将其用于检测10种不同挥发性有机物,结果显示除了对甲苯、异戊醇、异丁醛、乙酸乙酯有很弱的敏感信号外,对正己烷有着明显的响应信号,而对其它挥发性有机物没有响应,由此表明该传感器对正己烷具有良好的选择性。传感器使用寿命研究结果发现其具有良好的稳定性及使用寿命。 |
英文摘要: |
MoS2/Bi2S3 composites nanomaterials were successfully prepared by hydrothermal method and used as sensitive materials for the detection of n-hexane by cataluminescence (CTL) method. The results showed that the MoS2 modification can effectively enhance the CTL properties of Bi2S3, and the sensitive material has high sensitivity, good selectivity and fast response and recovery for n-hexane with a response time of 3 s and a recovery time of 16 s. In the concentration range of 12 ~ 480 ppm, the CTL signal intensity showed a good linear relationship with the n-hexane concentration: y=909.18x+1533 (R2=0.9865). The detection limit was 1.81 ppm. In addition, it was used for the detection of 10 VOCs, and the results showed that it had a significant response signal for n-hexane, except for toluene, isoamyl alcohol, isobutyraldehyde and ethyl acetate, which had a very weak sensitive signal, while it did not respond to other VOCs, thus indicating that the sensor has good selectivity for n-hexane. The life time of the sensor was found to have good stability and life time. |
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