Regional ecological security assessment of Anhui section of Yangtze River to Huaihe River Diversion Project Based on pressure state response model
投稿时间:2021-06-16  修订日期:2021-10-26
中文关键词: PSR模型  引江济淮工程安徽段沿线区域  AHP-熵权法  生态安全评价
英文关键词: :PSR model  The area along the Anhui section of the Yangtze River to Huaihe River Diversion Project  AHP entropy weight method  Ecological security assessm
刘飞 安徽建筑大学 3041317244@qq.com 
顾康康* 安徽建筑大学 E-mail: kangkanggu@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 2722
全文下载次数: 756
      Ecological security evaluation is a feasible research method for assessment of health and security of the ecological environment. With the example of the Anhui section in Yangtze-to-Huaihe Water Diversion Project, an ecological security evaluation index system is established based on the pressure-state-response model and then, weighted values of the selected 20 evaluation index factors are determined through the analytic hierarchy process and entropy weight method. Finally, by combination of the weighted values, classes of ecological security were computed for further evaluation research on the elocogical security of Anhui section in Yangtze-to-Huaihe Water Diversion Project. The results show that: ① part of the Anhui section in Yangtze-to-Huaihe Water Diversion Project is still at the insecurity—less secure class with certain spatial differences in distribution of the ecological security indexes. And human activity is the main factor increasing ecological pressure in part of the section under research. ② The main factors that influence ecological security in the section of Yangtze-to-Huaihe Water Diversion Project in Auhui include annual emission of PM2.5, land stress index, ecological quality index, water network density index, vegetation coverage, total rainfall per year, topographic slope, and afforestation area. ③ cities with a larger population density and faster development are with higher ecological security indexes while the slow-growing cities are with lower ecological security indexes, which is closely related to the degree of implementation of ecological protection policies.
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