张虹.气候变化背景下长乐古代生态治水智慧探析及当代启示[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2022,30(): |
气候变化背景下长乐古代生态治水智慧探析及当代启示 |
A Study of Ancient Eco-Wisdom of Water Governance in Changle and its Contemporary Enlightenment in the Context of Climate Change |
投稿时间:2021-05-19 修订日期:2021-10-15 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 沿海城市 防洪体系 生态智慧 自适应力 |
英文关键词: Coastal city Flood control system Eco-wisdom Self-adaptive power |
基金项目:福建省社会科学规划项目(青年项目)“基于层次分析法的明清时期福建省海港城市人居环境空间比较研究”(FJ2019C009)。 |
摘要点击次数: 2481 |
全文下载次数: 748 |
中文摘要: |
气候变化已深刻影响我国沿海城市。本次研究以福建沿海城市长乐为研究对象,梳理长乐防洪体系发展历程,从“防、导、蓄、高、迁、坚”六方面分析长乐古代宏观全域水环境治理、中观城市选址、微观城市内部防洪体系三个层次的治水机制,并总结其四大生态治水智慧:南蓄北疏,分区治水;导蓄一体,防导结合;因地制宜,居高而处;严立法则,全民参与。尝试将传统生态治水智慧融入城市发展五大驱动力,构建长乐地区具备自适应力的城市防洪系统框架,为新时期滨海城市应对气候变化提供新思路。 |
英文摘要: |
Climate change and rapid urbanization have profoundly affected coastal cities in China. This study takes Changle, a coastal city in Fujian Province, as the research object, sorting out the development of Changle flood control system, analyzes the water management mechanism of Changle from six aspects: prevention, conduction, storage, high, relocation and firmness, from three levels of Changle's ancient macro-level water environment management, meso-level urban site selection, and micro-level internal urban flood control system.Summarizes its four ecological water management wisdoms: storage in the south, dredge in the north, zoning water management; diversion and storage in one, combination of protection and diversion; adaptation to local conditions, selecting highlands for construction; and strict laws and participation of all people. It attempts to integrate the traditional ecological water management wisdom into the five driving forces of urban development, to build a framework for an adaptive urban flood control system in Changle, and to provide new ideas for coastal cities to cope with climate change in the new era. |
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