孟源,张自光*,陶佳佳.基于“永临一体化”的调蓄池深基坑内支撑设计优化[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2022,30(): |
基于“永临一体化”的调蓄池深基坑内支撑设计优化 |
Design optimization of internal support for deep foundation pit of storage tank based on integration of permanent and temporary |
投稿时间:2021-04-12 修订日期:2021-12-14 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 永临一体化,蓄水池深基坑,内支撑,设计优化 |
英文关键词: integration of permanent bearing structure and temporary supporting structure of permanent and temporary, reservoir, deep foundation pit, horizontal internal support, design optimization |
基金项目:2020年度安徽省住房城乡建设科学技术计划项目(202053);安徽建筑大学校引进人才及博士启动(2019QDZ24);中铁四局集团科技研发项目(HYB2020219) |
摘要点击次数: 2671 |
全文下载次数: 841 |
中文摘要: |
基于“永临一体化”的深基坑内支撑结构是近年来迅速发展和推广的一种新型深基坑支护技术。论文依托合肥清三冲雨水调蓄池深基坑结合工程实践,在对调蓄池地下主体结构和深基坑原内支撑结构特征对比分析的基础上,提出了一种仅通过对内支撑竖向高程等技术的轻微调整,进而实现深基坑临时支护结构与调蓄池地下主体永久结构一体化的设计优化方案,并对方案实施步骤进行了详细阐述。工程实施效果表明,调蓄池深基坑“永临一体化”支撑结构具有安全度高、经济性好、高效节能、绿色环境、缩短建设周期等诸多优势,工程建设整体效果良好 |
英文摘要: |
The "permanent and temporary integration" internal support structure of deep foundation pit is rapidly developed and promoted in recent years. This paper is closely combined with the engineering practice of deep foundation pit of the Qingsanchong rainwater storage tank in Hefei. Based on the comparative analysis of the characteristics of the underground main structure of the storage tank and the internal support structure of the deep foundation pit, an internal support structure which is permanent and temporary integration is proposed in the paper, and the implementation steps of the supporting structure are described in detail. The results show that the "permanent and temporary integration" internal support structure of deep foundation pit has many advantages, such as high safety, good economy, high efficiency and energy saving, green environment, shortening construction period and so on. |
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