Research on Online Supply Chain Coordination with Stockout-averse under Trade Credit
投稿时间:2021-04-09  修订日期:2021-05-28
中文关键词: 网购供应链  缺货厌恶  信用支付  收益共享契约
英文关键词: online supply chain  stockout-averse  trade credit  revenue sharing contract
闵杰 安徽建筑大学 230601
张露露* 安徽建筑大学 230601
摘要点击次数: 2755
全文下载次数: 856
      Trade credit is an important payment method in online shopping, this paper establishes a revenue sharing contract model of online shopping supply chain based on trade credit under stochastic demand under the condition that platform retailers and suppliers have stockout-averse preference respectively, analyzes the model by using reverse induction method, and analyzes the influence of stockout-averse on the coordination of online shopping supply chain. The results show that: when the platform retailer has the stockout-averse, the online shopping supply chain can achieve coordination through the revenue sharing contract, and the wholesale price and profit of the supplier are greater than the risk neutral price and profit, while the profit change of the platform retailer is opposite; When the supplier has the stockout-averse, the wholesale price and profit of the supplier are greater than the risk neutral price and profit, in this case, the wholesale price and profit of the supplier are less than the risk neutral price and profit, and the change of the platform retailer""s profit is also the opposite; The optimal order quantity of platform retailers and online shopping supply chain system increases with the increase of unit shortage cost and the extension of credit period.
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